26 APRIL 2022

TUESDAY 220426

Evolution A:

“Camp Tabata”

Complete 8 rounds of 20 seconds “On” and 10 seconds “Off” at these stations:

Concept2 Row (Maximum Calories)
Rest 2:00
Wallball Shots (20lb. / 16lb.)
Rest 2:00

Evolution B:

Rest as needed then complete this descending ladder for time,

Double Under, 50 Repetitions
15 Toes to Bar
Double Under, 40 Repetitions
12 Toes to bar
Double Under, 30 Repetitions
9 Toes to Bar
Double Under 20 Repetitions
6 Toes to Bar
Double Under 10 Repetitions
3 Toes to Bar

Note: On the Tabata session “every calorie and repetition” count. We will be (fairly) strict with the 2:00 rest between rounds. This methodology on this session is a 2:1 work to rest ratio.

Athletes who cannot (yet) perform the double under can do single weighted jumps during Evolution B.

IMG 6843


Tuesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

515PM – Teen Class

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