Join us at 4:00PM today inside our “Zoom Classroom Gym” for a group workout! We will all have a chance to “see each other” and check in on everyones wellbeing.
On an 8:00 running clock,
Tabata Squat (8 rounds of 20 seconds “on” and 10 seconds “off”)
Rest exactly 10 seconds then,
Handstand Push-ups, As Many Repetitions As Possible in 4:00
Note: Your “score” is the minimum number of squats you performed in any round of Squats multiple by the total number of Handstand Push-ups. Modifications for the Handstand Push-up will be discussed around the “Zoom Whiteboard.” A great goal is 20 squats and 20 Handstand Push-ups (or 20 squats and 100 Push-ups).
Murph, 2016. One way or the other, we will do Murph this year!
Thursday Special Zoom Workout
- Group CrossFit Workout at 4PM (Same Zoom meeting location all week!)
Meeting ID: 783 558 011