26 MAY 2020

TUESDAY 200526

Tabata Mash-up Day!

Complete Eight Rounds of 20 Seconds “On” and 10 Seconds “Off”

Tabata Weighted Object Bent Over Row (or Pull-ups)
Rest 2:00
Tabata Push-up
Rest 2:00
Tabata Sit-up
Rest 2:00
Tabata Squat

Note: We are going to be scoring todays session utilizing the “every repetition counts” methodology. If you have access to a Pull-up bar, you are welcome to substitute Pull-ups for the Bent Over Row. We will be meeting this week at 4PM on Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81657315836 Reminder that we also have a 7AM CrossFit workout today – the link is below.

IMG 9541


Join us this morning at 7AM for CrossFit!



Please note there is no Yoga tonight. 


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