27 February 2015

FRIDAY 150227

“El Cajon”

For Time;

100 Double Under’s or 200 Weighted Jump’s “Buy In”

Complete Three Rounds:

Run 400 Meters
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Hang Power Cleans

100 Double Under’s or 200 Weighted Jump’s “Buy Out”

Note: Today’s workout comes from a workshop instructed by Greg Amundson at El Cajon Police Department. This workout was created by ECPD SWAT Operator Jake Cutter and Greg. Men’s prescribed weight is 53lb. Kettlebell and 95lb. Barbell. Women’s weight is 35lb. Kettlebell and 65lb. Barbell. Compare today’s effort to January 21, 2015. Reminder – this is a grip intensive workout!


Krav Maga Phase A Graduates


Coaches Corner” – Functional Fitness – with Greg Amundson


The “Coaches Corner” is a new feature to the CrossFit Pleasure Point website. Written and compiled by Greg Amundson, this weekly offering provides our Athletes with education and inspiration on the path to physical, mental and spiritual fitness.


Krav Maga Phase B Test Update

The Phase B Test is scheduled for Monday, March 2, 2015, from 6:15 PM to 8:15 PM. The test will operate in the “Review – Test” format with a heavy emphasis on bag-work and conditioning. Everyone currently enrolled in Phase B is encouraged to take the test.


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