27 JUNE 2022

MONDAY 220627


Today’s workout is a take on the old school workout Cindy.  But for today, the pullups have been replaced with a Deadlift and this will be completed as separate AMRAP.

7 Min As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible (AMRAP)

5 Deadlift (#185/125)

10 Pushups

15 Squats

3 Min Rest


5 Deadlift (#185/125)

10 Pushups

15 Squats

2 Min Rest


5 Deadlift (#185/125)

10 Pushups

15 Squats

1 Min Rest

800m Run/Row for time

This should be a potent workout to start the week and get us ready for the great week of training.

IMG 4532


Monday’s Schedule

8AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

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