27 MAY 2022

FRIDAY 220527

Today’s workout will be considered an active recovery day in preparation for Memorial Day Murph tomorrow.

Evolution A

2K Row for Time

Rest as needed, then,


2:00 minutes rest between Tabata movements

Flutter Kicks

Double Unders / Weighted Jumprope

Plank Holds

During today’s workout, compare your 2K row to your efforts on April 5th, 2022, March 18th, 2022, and November 22, 2022.

For the Tabata, each Tabata movement will be 8 rounds with 20 seconds of effort followed by 10 seconds of rest.  This is an excellent stimulus for any movement.

2016 Murph


Friday’s Schedule

8AM Strength / Olympic Lifting

4PM Workout of the Day

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