MONDAY 220328
For time:
400m Run/Row
40 DB/KB Single Arm Snatch (20 Each Arm)
20 Kipping Pullups
400m Run/Row
30 DB/KB Single Arm Snatch (15 Each Arm)
15 Strict Pullups
400m Run/Row
20 DB/KB Single Arm Snatch (10 Each Arm)
10 L-Sit Pullups
Note: This is an awesome workout! Athletes can choose to use either a Dumbbell or Kettlebell. Weight is 20lb to 53lb.
One head of the Dumbbell or bottom of the Kettlebell must touch the ground in the bottom position.
Athletes can partition repetitions between arms as needed.
For the L-Sit Pullup, “Rx” the bottom of the heels must remain above the hip during each repetition.