FRIDAY 220429
Evolution A:
For Time,
21 Dumbbell Thruster (35/25)
9 Toes to Bar
15 Dumbbell Thruster (35/25)
15 Toes to Bar
9 Dumbbell Thruster (35/25)
21 Toes to Bar
Rest as needed then,
Evolution B:
For Time,
21 KB Swings (53/35)
9 Hand Release Pushups
15 KB Swings (53/35)
15 Hand Release Pushups
9 KB Swings (53/35)
21 Hand Release Pushups
Note: Today’s workouts are both challenging and will require athletes to dig deep to complete both. This is a great way to end this weeks training sessions.
Mark in the active recovery position after a challenging row workout.
Friday’s Schedule
8AM – Olympic Lifting / Strength with Coach Adrian
4PM – Workout of the Day