29 January 2019

TUESDAY 190129 

CAMP Training Session (CrossFit Pleasure Point Maximum Performance)

“The Grinder”

Complete Five Rounds:

On a 2:00 Running Clock,
Complete Two Rounds of “Cindy” (5 Pull-up, 10 Push-up, 15 Squat)
Double Under, As Many Repetitions As Possible

Note: On todays session, your “Score” each round is the total number of Double Under repetitions achieved (or single jumps). Rest up to 2:00 between rounds. Compare today’s score to December 5, and December 27, 2018, and try to increase each round by at least 5 repetitions. 

IMG 5727 1

“Trespassing is faster …” 


Tuesday Special Programs 

Bag Class (5:15PM to 6:00PM at HQ) 

Warrior Yoga (6:30PM to 7:30PM at HQ)


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