Super Set Back Squat (See Note Below)
Rest as needed then,
Three Rounds for Time:
Run 400 Meters (or Row 400 Meters)
30 One Arm Dumbbell or Kettlebell Snatch (Alternating Arm – Up to 50lb. / 35lb.)
50 Double Unders (or 100 Single Jumps)
Note: The Super Set Back Squat is your 20 Repetition Back Squat with as much weight as possible. Returning to the rack, or having a spot, constitutes the termination of the set. A great goal is bodyweight for men, and 3/4 bodyweight for women. Compare todays weight to March 14, 2018.
Kim nails a 145lb. Squat Clean during the 8AM Class!
Thursday Special Programs
5:15PM – 6:00PM (Bag Class at Krav Maga)
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Satvana Yoga at Krav Maga)
Krav Maga Workshop Update
The next FREE all levels Krav Maga Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, April 7, 2018, from 1PM to approximately 2:30PM. This seminar will focus on stick defense and basic ground combative principles. We look forward to seeing you there! Sign up at HQ to reserve your spot.