29 October 2018

MONDAY 181029

10 Strict Pull-ups
1 Strict Dip (Bar or Ring)
9 Strict Pull-ups
2 Strict Dips (Bar or Ring)
Continue this progression until
1 Strict Pull-up
10 Strict Dips (Bar or Ring)

Rest as needed then,

Squat Clean, As Many Repetitions As Possible in 3:00 (Weight x Reps = Score)

Note: There is a 20 minute time cap on the gymnastics session. We will not be recording the time for completion – rather, the goal is virtuosity, and increased focus on technique, range of motion, and “strict application” of the skill: No Kipping! Use bands if necessary. On the Squat Clean, the bar must be caught in the bottom of the squat – no Power Cleans to Front Squats. We are emphasizing the technique of the Squat Clean today.



Week At A Glance

Tuesday: (Bag Class & Yoga)

Thursday: (CAMP Session & Bag Class)



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