TUESDAY 200929

For Time,

Evolution A:

Run 1000 Meters (Floral Loop – or Concept2 Row 1000 meters)
Kettlebell Swing, 50 Repetitions (53lb. / 35lb.)
Toes to Bar, 30 Repetitions
Run 1000 Meters (or Concept2 Row 1K)

Rest as needed then,

For Time,

Evolution B:

Run 400 Meters (or C2 Row 500 meters)
Kettlebell Swing, 25 Repetitions (53lb. / 35lb.)
Toes to Bar, 15 Repetitions
Run 400 Meters (or C2 Row 500 meters)

Note: Today is an endurance workout complimented by a sprint of the same modalities. A great goal is to perform evolution B in less than half the time it takes you to perform evolution A.

IMG 0099


Tuesday Schedule

  • CrossFit at 6AM, 8AM, 10:30AM and 4PM
  • No Bag Class tonight


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