TUESDAY 160830
Skill Development: USAW Power Clean and Push Jerk Progressions.
Complete Five Sets – Start with Barbell and add weight as necessary: (Work Technique!)
Power Clean from Power Position, 3 Repetitions (Add 1 Shoulder Press at final rep)
Power Clean from Above Knee (2 Second Pause) 2 Repetitions (Add 1 Push Press at final rep)
Power Clean from Floor, 1 Repetitions (Add 1 Push-Jerk)
Rest as needed then,
“Grace” (30 Repetitions Clean and Jerk, 135lb. / 95lb.)
“Isabel” (30 Repetitions Snatch, 135lb. / 95lb.)
Note: Today we revisit a classic CrossFit single modality test of strength, power, technique, and stamina. Athletes can choose to either test their “Grace” or “Isabel” time. Athletes choosing “Isabel” will have the option of working their USAW Snatch Progression. How many Athletes can Rx’ todays workout, and bring it home in 5:00 or less.
Doc – Nick – Mike: 2nd Place Water Warrior Challenge
Congratulations to Doctor Van Brunt, Nick and Mike (US Air Force) on taking 2nd place in this years brutal Water Warrior Challenge at Capitola Main Beach.
CrossFit Light (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ /// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at HQ)
Todays LIGHT workout will be our HQ programming with an option for Kettlebell or Medicine Ball.
Women’s CrossFit (9:00 AM – 10:00 AM at Headquarters – Last 9AM Class of Summer!)
Warrior Yoga 75 (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Krav Maga)
CrossFit Clinic Class (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM at HQ)