30 November 2018

FRIDAY 181130


21,15,9 Repetitions of,
Thruster (95lb. / 65lb.)

Rest as needed then,

Cash Out Extra Credit:

Tabata Double Under (20 second “on” 10 seconds “off” for 8 Rounds – Running Total)

Note: There will be a 7:00 TIME CAP on todays encounter with “Fran” with heats of two or three athletes training at a time. Athletes will either achieve a “time” or an AMRAP “score” on their workout, depending on their ability to complete “Fran” in 7:00 or less. Keep a running total on the Double Unders. Compare todays scores to August 10, 2018, and try to set a record!

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Rachel is a Champion!


Friday Special Programs 

8AM – 9AM – CrossFit Pleasure Point Strength and Olympic Lifting Class


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