TUESDAY 191231
Happy New Years Eve! We have a regular CrossFit class schedule today. Please note our gym will be closed on New Years Day.
Evolution A:
One Round for Time,
31 Push Press (75lb. / 55lb.)
31 Pull-ups
31 Hang Power Cleans (75lb. / 55lb.)
31 Toes to Bar
Rest as needed then,
Evolution B:
One Round for Time,
31 Box Jumps (20′ men and women)
31 Back Squats (75lb. / 55lb.)
31 Back Squat Alternating Lunges (31 rep’s each leg!)
Rest as needed then,
Evolution C:
One Round for Time,
31 Burpees
31 Barbell Thrusters (75lb. / 55lb.)
Cash out with a 365 meter Kettlebell fireman’s carry!
Note: Today’s session comes from our very own Naomi, and it’s gonna be a blaster! We are going to have an opportunity to “set intentions” for the New Year, so bring both your A-game and your BIG dreams, goals, plans, missions, and purposes for 2020.
Tuesday Special Programs
- CrossFit Masters Class (10:30AM – 11:30AM)
- Bag Class (5:30PM – 6:15PM)
- Yoga is cancelled tonight
Please note our gym will be closed on New Years Day.