31 January 2020

FRIDAY 200131

Evolution A:

Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 7:00,

Add one Power Snatch (minute one, 1 snatch, etc.)

Rest as needed then,

Evolution B:

On a 9:00 clock,

Minute One: Assault Bike, 15 / 12 calories
Minute Two: Double Under, 30 Repetitions (or 50 single jumps)
Minute Three: Wallball Shots, 18 repetitions (20lb. / 14lb.)

Note: On Evolution A, athletes can pick their weight but must maintain the weight the entire time. Ideally the repetitions should be consecutive (just like Wednesday’s session). A great goal is 95lb. for men and 65lb. for women. Evolution B is programmed at the Purple Belt level and it’s a good one! Do your best to keep the Rx’d expectations. Aspiring Brown Belts should “scale up” the Double Unders to 50 repetitions.

IMG 9333 1

Victory Jump!


Friday Special Programs 

  • CrossFit Strength Class (8:00AM – 9:00AM)



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