MONDAY 170731
Station Rotation at Krav Maga:
One Minute “On” Followed by Thirty Seconds “Off” at the Following Stations (1 Round)
Assault Bike
Concept2 Row
GHD Sit-up
Battle Ropes
Peg Board
Rest as needed then,
5 rounds for time of:
Front Squat, 5 Repetitions (165lb. / 95lb.)
Run 100 Meters (To Krav Maga)
15 Toes to Bar
40 Double Unders
Run 100 Meters (to HQ)
Note: Todays combined HQ and Krav Maga session is an “Old School” original CrossFit HQ workout programmed by Coach Glassman. The combination of the heavy Front Squat and Toes to Bar provides a potent midsection stimulus.
Margaret is Athlete Of The Week
Congratulations to Margaret who was recognized as Athlete Of The Week at CrossFit Pleasure Point. Margaret is an official “Trifecta Athlete” who participates in our CrossFit, Yoga and now Krav Maga programs, all with resounding success. Margaret had never done a martial arts class in her life, yet by her performance in Krav Maga, you would never know that to be the case! Margaret has the mindset of a champion, and approaches workouts and challenges with a super optimistic and “I can overcome” attitude. In addition to her CrossFit physical capacity, her mobility in Yoga, and power in Krav Maga, has been awesome to behold. Margaret has a smile than can light up the room (and the gym) and is quick with a kind word. Congratulations Margaret on all your success both inside and outside the gym, and keep up the inspiring work!
Light WOD (5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at HQ)
Our Light programming will be our HQ workout today.
Krav Maga Yellow Belt (5:30 PM – 6:15 PM at Krav Maga)
Krav Maga Orange Belt (6:30 PM – 7:15 PM at Krav Maga)
Follow the link to learn about our new Open Gym membership upgrade option.