26 JANUARY 2023


Threshold Mashup

Complete 1:00 of Maximum Effort At the Following Stations:

Ball Slam – (#20) (As Many Repetitions As Possible)

Rest 1:00

Static L-Sit (As Many Consecutive Seconds As Possible)

Rest 1:00

Alternating DB Snatch – (#45/25) (As Many Repetitions As Possible)

On a 15:00 Minute Clock (5 rounds Each Station)

Minute One: Ball Slam – (#20) (50% Threshold)

Minute Two: Static L-sit (15-20 seconds)

Minute Three:  Alternating DB Snatch – (#45/25) (50% Threshold)

Note: Threshold Mashup training was invented right here at CrossFit Pleasure Point – and its an amazing stimulus!

On January 6th, 2023 we completed a very similar threshold mashup.  Today we are completing with our traditional 3 station threshold mashup.

IMG 0955

Brad after the 30 second Assault Bike – 90 Second Ball Slam WOD.

Look for another version of this potent WOD.


Thursday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

515PM – Teen Class

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