03 March 2020

TUESDAY 200303

Take up to 5:00 to achieve a 1RM Power Clean,

Rest as needed then,

Every Minute on the Minute for 7:00

Add one Power Clean (use 70% of 1RM)

Rest as needed then,

As Many Rounds As Possible in 7:00 of,

Double Under, 50 repetitions (or 100 single jumps)
Kettlebell Swing, 15 repetitions (53lb. / 35lb.)

Note: Today we are starting our session working heavy, and ending working on speed, accuracy, and stamina. How many people can achieve a bodyweight Power Clean, and Rx’ the workout with 70% for all 7 rounds? Who has 5 or more rounds of the AMRAP?


Welcome home, Marine!


Tuesday Special Programs

  • CrossFit at 10:30AM
  • Bag Class (5:30PM – 6:15PM)


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