06 May 2013

MONDAY 130506

Today we are going to spend ten minutes refining our Power Snatch technique. Immediately following we will perform;

12:00 AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
10 Power Snatch
8 Knees to Elbow
6 Dips

Note: Weight on the AMRAP for the Snatch is 95lb. for men and 65lb. for women.


Great programming Jason!


Our very own Jason is a programming genius. During an advanced class, Jason proposed a combination of bodyweight gymnastic movements with ground to overhead lifts. The result was awesome!  Try this on for size:

Three Rounds for Time:
10 Clean and Jerks (135lb. for men and 95lb. for women)
Three rounds of: 5 Pull-up, 10 Push-up, 15 Squats



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