07 August 2015

FRIDAY 150807

For Time:

200 Meter Farmers Carry (35lb. /25lb.)

10 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Standing Alternating Lunges with Kettlebell (35lb. / 25lb.)
40 Double Unders (0r 60 Weighted Lunges)
15 Kipping Pull-ups (Any Variety of Kip)

10 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Standing Alternating Lunges with Kettlebell (35lb. / 25lb.)
40 Double Unders (0r 60 Weighted Lunges)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Any Variety of Kip)

10 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Standing Alternating Lunges with Kettlebell (35lb. / 25lb.)
40 Double Unders (0r 60 Weighted Lunges)
5 STRICT Pull-ups (Absolutely NO Kipping!)

10 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Standing Alternating Lunges with Kettlebell (35lb. / 25lb.)
40 Double Unders (0r 60 Weighted Lunges)
3 Rope Climbs (Modifications briefed in gym)

200 Meter Farmers Carry (35lb. / 25lb.)

Note: The Lunges are 10 Repetitions Each Leg, 20 Repetitions total. Hold the single Kettlebell with two hands at chest level in a “Front Squat” fashion. On the Lunge, the trail leg should gently “kiss” the ground. This is a potent workout!


Lily gets her first Rope Climb


Friday Special Programs

Phase A Olympic Lifting (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ)


Coaches Corner” – The Quest of a Warrior


The “Coaches Corner” is a new feature to the CrossFit Pleasure Point website. Written and compiled by Greg Amundson, this weekly offering provides our Athletes with education and inspiration on the path to physical, mental and spiritual fitness.


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