09 July 2013

TUESDAY 130709 

Today we are going to work on our Deadlift technique. We’ll ultimately work up to a heavy 1 Repetition Max effort, then;

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Repetitions of the triplet:
Box Jump
Kettlebell Swing

Note: Mens prescribed weight  is 185lb for the Deadlift and 53lb. for the Kettlebell Swing. Women’s prescribed weight is 115lb. for the Deadlift and 35lb. for the Kettlebell Swing.

IMG 2541


Hope For Cures workout in our Nations Capitol [video]


“Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.” – Saint Francis de Sales


New CrossFit Mobility Class Begins in August 2013: Greg Amundson will be teaching a new CrossFit Mobility Class beginning in August 2013. This class will be at our new training center and Krav Maga Santa Cruz. Performance is what drives the human athlete, but the human athlete can be brought to an abrupt halt by dysfunctional movement patters and underlying restrictions in mobility, flexibility, mindset and improper breathing techniques. This class will enhance your CrossFit experience as well as aid you in sports ranging from marathon running to surfing. This is a specially designed class created by Greg Amundson with input from Coach Mark Divine and Doctor Kelly Starrett. This class incorporates the Warrior Yoga method created by Mark Divine (former Navy SEAL and founder of SEALFIT) with the mobility, strengthening and stretching method created by Doctor Starrett (CrossFit Subject Matter Expert on Mobility Training) all seamlessly blended into a flow with the “still poses” of the foundational CrossFit movements. The result is a fast paced, challenging and fun class that will:

  • Prevent and rehabilitate sore and tight muscles
  • Overhaul your movement habits and instill proper CrossFit movement patterns
  • Quiet the mind
  • Increase circulation
  • Fix poor set-up mechanics that rob power, bleed force, and dump torque
  • Unlock reservoirs of athletic capacity you didn’t know you had
  • Utilize traditional Warrior Yoga poses
  • Develop strategies that restore function to your joints and tissues
  • Forge the Warrior Spirit and an indomitable mindset

This class is highly recommended and free to current CrossFit Pleasure Point members. We look forward to seeing you there!


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