13 AUGUST 2021

FRIDAY 210813

From the official “Team Guerrero CAMP”

Complete Four Rounds:

On a 2:00 running clock,
One minute of max Burpees
One minute of max Toes to Bar

Rest as needed then,

On a 4:00 clock,
20 seconds of max rep Barbell Deadlifts (95lb. / 65lb.)
10 seconds rest
20 seconds of max rep Barbell Hang Power Clean
10 seconds rest
20 seconds of max rep Barbell Front Squat
10 seconds rest
20 seconds of max Barbell Shoulder to Overhead
10 seconds rest
Repeat the above sequence of events

Note: Today’s session is epic. A great goal on the first evolution is to average 20 burpees and 20 toes to bar each round. A great goal on the Tabata session is to average 10 rep’s at each station. Keep a running total of your rep’s throughout the entire 4 minutes.

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The Ghost is Ready to Roll!


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