27 January 2020

MONDAY 200127

Complete Three Individually Timed “Sprint Rounds” (rest up to 3:00 between rounds)

Concept2 Row, 400 Meters

  • 10 Bar Muscle Ups or,
  • 15 Kipping Chest to Bar or,
  • 21 Kipping Pull-ups

Rest as needed then,

Barbell Tempo Front Squat, 3,3,3,3,3 repetitions (5 second tempo / 1 second bottom hold)

Note: On the metabolic evolution, athletes can pick their version of the Pull-up. Rest up to 3:00 between rounds. Aspiring Purple Belts and Brown Belts should use the Bar Muscle-up or Chest to Bar techniques. On the Front Squat, the Barbell must begin on the ground (i.e., requires a Power Clean). Focus on the 1 second bottom position hold, and the explosive return to the top position.

IMG 9196


Special Events Week At A Glance

  • Tuesday
    • CrossFit at 10:30AM
    • Bag Class
    • Yoga
  • Wednesday
    • Krav Maga Weapon Defense
  • Thursday
    • CrossFit at 10:30AM
    • Krav Maga
  • Friday
    • CrossFit Strength Class
  • Saturday
    • FREE Community Workout


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