30 AUGUST 2021

MONDAY 210830

“Burgner Gone Mad” Preparation Workout

Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 10:00,

10 Burpees

Rest as needed then,

“Competition Grace” (see note below)

Note: The “Burgner Gone Mad” session is a famous workout and test designed by Greg Amundson and Olympic coaching legend Mike Burgner. The workout consists of 150 burpees for time with the “gold standard” being sub 10:00. The best way to accomplish this is to use a progression over a 5 week period beginning with 10 burpees EMOM and each week adding 1 repetition. We can scale the rep’s as needed (for example, some athletes might need to begin with 5 rep’s and in 5 weeks achieve 10). On the “Competition Grace” the weight is 135lb. / 85lb. and the barbell must move from ground to overhead via a squat. Athletes can either squat clean each rep, or power clean, then front squat, or a combination of both.

IMG 4672

The calm before the storm!


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