01 APRIL 2024

MONDAY 240401

This month we will be doing a Strength Day every Monday working on our Front Squat.

Today we will be testing for each athletes 1RM.  Record this number because we will be using it the following 3 weeks for a Wendler Series.

We will also be starting a new set of progressions this month.

Monday and Wednesdays will be Push-up Tabata with an increasing amount of rounds each week.

Tuesday and Thursday will be 3 sets of Unbroken Double Under jump ropes.


Build up to your 1RM Front Squat.

Give yourself several warm-up sets to work up to your 1RM.


For Time

30 Heavy Ball Over Shoulder

Weight is up to each athlete and there are several options 80/60/50/40/30/20

IMG 4387 1

Mari and Joana crushing another workout.

Monday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

430PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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