04 APRIL 2024


3 Sets of Unbroken Double Under Jump Ropes


3 Rounds for Time

400m Run or 24/18 Calories Assault Bike

21 Knee to Elbow

12 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (35/20)

This WOD was pulled from the CrossFit Main Site from 240306.

The Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean is a not a common movement here at CrossFit Pleasure Point.

Use this movement to work out getting under the bar and find a weight you can complete these unbroken.

IMG 3502

John, Kamala, Mark (and Margaret) after 24.3.


Thursday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

1130AM to 100PM – Open Gym (trial time – subject to change)

430PM – Workout of the Day

530PM – Teen Class

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