04 MARCH 2024

MONDAY 240304

Partner WOD

20 Minute AMRAP

Partner A – Mailbox Farmer’s Carry (2X 35/26)

Partner B – 10 Wallball (20/14)

Max effort – Alternating Bent Over Row (35/20)

Partners will alternate when Partner A returns from the Farmer’s Carry.

Each Max Effort round will be captured and each arm on the Alternating Bent Over Row will count as a rep.

The Farmer’s Carry should be approximately 1 minute per round.

This is going to be a forearm pump so be ready.

IMG 2781

The Post-WOD catch up for our community here at CrossFit Pleasure Point is the best.


Monday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

430PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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