22 DECEMBER 2023

FRIDAY 231222

Friendly Friday

Today’s WOD is a partner Barbell cycling WOD.

Pick a partner, pick a weight, and cycle through this

12 Minute AMRAP

5 – Deadlift

4 – Hang Power Clean

3 – Front Squat

2 – Thruster

1 – Shoulder-2-Overhead

The weight will be determined by the Shoulder-2-Overhead.

Pick a weight you can go unbroken through all the movements.

1 complete barbell cycle will be completed by the athlete prior to switching over to the “resting” athlete.

Can any pair of athletes complete over 20 cycles?

IMG 2060

Tim and Cody during that nasty Assault Bike Calorie WOD.


Friday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

8AM – Strength / Olympic Lifting

430PM – Workout of the Day

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