13 FEBRUARY 2023

MONDAY 230213

Threshold Mashup

Complete 1:00 of Maximum Effort At the Following Stations:

DB Thrusters – (#35/25) (As Many Repetitions As Possible)

Rest 1:00

Russian Twists (#16/10 Wallball) (As Many Rep As Possible)

On a 15:00 Minute Clock (5 rounds Each Station)

Minute One: DB Thrusters – (#35/25) (As Many Repetitions As Possible) (50% Threshold)

Minute Two: Russian Twists (#16/10 Wallball) (50% Threshold)

Minute Three:  Deadlift – (#185/135) (10-6 Reps Per Round)

Note: Threshold Mashup training was invented right here at CrossFit Pleasure Point – and its an amazing stimulus!

The CrossFit Pleasure Point 6AM crew looking good.  With our newest trio of ladies, Lisa, Maura, and Fawn.

IMG 0054

Monday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

4PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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