29 JUNE 2023


“Shoulder Attack”

For Time

400m Run

50 Shoulder 2 Overhead (#75/45) CP (#95/65)

400m Run

35 Shoulder 2 Overhead (#95/55) CP (#115/75)

400m Run

15 Shoulder to Overhead (#115/75) CP (#135/85)

400m Run

5 Shoulder 2 Overhead (#135/85) CP (#155/105)


Ring Dips – Day 31


IMG 2115

The Teens, Mari, Josh, & Joana, getting the Overhead Squat session done.

Great concentration and mobility by our teen athletes.


Thursday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

515PM – Teen Class

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