03 December 2018

MONDAY 181203

Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 10:00:

Complete Two Repetitions Of,
Power Clean to Push-Press (With only 1 hip-opening – go as heavy as possible! ).

Rest as needed then,

Complete Three Rounds:

On a 3:00 Running Clock Complete,

75 Double Unders or 150 Weighted Jumps
21 Kettlebell Swings (53lb. / 35lb.)
As Many Repetitions as Possible (AMRAP) of Pull-up (score)

Note: The 3:00 running clock begins at the start of the Double Unders. Rest up to 3:00 between rounds. Men’s Kettlebell weight is up to 53lb. and women’s weight is up to 35lb. Advanced Athlete’s are encouraged to use the Double Under skill. Your score is the total number of Pull-ups completed each round.

IMG 5072

3-2-1 Bag Class!


Week At A Glance


  • Bag Class (5:15PM – 6PM at HQ)
  • Yoga (6:15PM – 7PM at Krav Maga)

Wednesday: Bag Class (5:15PM – 6PM at HQ)


  • Bag Class (5:15PM – 6PM at HQ)
  • Yoga (6:15PM – 7PM at Krav Maga)

Friday: Olympic Lifting and Strength Training (8AM – 9AM at HQ)


Bag Class Update

Our Bag Class is now incorporating elements of our CAMP workouts, in addition to Krav Maga combatives and self-defense. Class is offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5:15PM to 6PM. Bag Class is now taking the place of the former 5PM CrossFit class on Wednesdays. This is an awesome class that is getting close to requiring a sign-up and waiting list! Please be sure to bring your bag-gloves to class with you.



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