TUESDAY 200407
Evolution A: (No Equipment)
This will be a quick and tight little mash-up to save some energy for Evolution B.
On a 4:00 clock (4 rounds each station)
20 Seconds of Max Rep’s Sit-ups
Rest 10 Seconds
20 Seconds of Plank Hold – 1 foot lifted (alternate lifted foot each round)
Evolution B: (Low Equipment)
As Many Rounds As Possible in 20:00 of,
Weighted Object Shoulder to Overhead, 5 repetitions
10 Alternating Single Leg Squats
Weighted Object Hang Power Clean, 15 repetitions
Note: This is a super challenging session, especially Evolution B. Coach will be briefing modifications around the virtual whiteboard. Today’s workout will be on Zoom and also Facebook Live in our CrossFit Pleasure Point (private) Facebook Group. We encourage Zoom participation! If you need help logging in please let us know. The Zoom link above will be the SAME LINK we use all week.
Strong Mind and Body. A a super strong SPIRIT!
Positive Self Talk – The Greatest Adaptation with Greg Amundson (YouTube Video)
Tuesday Night Yoga 6:30PM Join Zoom https://zoom.us/j/717212749