07 JANUARY 2021


For Time,
Concept2 Row, 21 calories
Dumbbell Thruster, 21 repetitions (35lb. / 25lb.)
Run 400 meters
Concept2 Row, 15 calories
Dumbbell Thruster, 15 repetitions
Run 400 meters
Concept2 Row, 9 calories
Dumbbell Thruster, 9 repetitions
Run 400 meters

Rest as needed then,

One max set of kipping Pull-ups

Note: Hit today’s session fast and hard. Ideally all Thruster rep’s are consecutive.

GregEddie e1637375644740


Thursday Schedule

  • CrossFit at 6AM, 8AM, 10:30AM and 4PM
  • CrossFit Teen Class at 3:00PM



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