08 JANUARY 2021

FRIDAY 210108

From the CAMP (CrossFit Pleasure Point Maximum Performance)

Take 5:00 and establish a “working 1RM” Power Clean,

Rest as needed then,

As Many Rounds As Possible in 5:00 of,
Power Clean, 3 repetitions (70 to 80% of 1RM)
15 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Squats

Rest up to 5:00 then,

As Many Rounds As Possible in 5:00 of,
Hang Power Clean, 30 repetitions (40 to 50% of 1RM)
9 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Squats

Note: These are a “dueling pair” of triplets that require equal part strength, speed, stamina and endurance. Bring your A-game. A great goal for men is a bodyweight Power Clean and women 3/4 bodyweight.

IMG 2058 rotated

Happy Birthday to Arpan!


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