07 June 2013

FRIDAY 130607


20:00 AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Single Leg Squats
15 Pull-ups

Note: This is a very challenging gymnastic workout. Modifications will be made and instructed in the gym.


Greg Amundson on the Sand Squat


Schedule Change! Please note, beginning today, Friday June 7, 2013, and remaining for the awesome Santa Cruz summer, we will be incorporating “Friday Night Fights” into our schedule. The last official group class of the evening on Fridays will be from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, we will have open gym and “Friday Night Fights”. This event will allow our current Athletes to “Fight” against a CrossFit workout of their choice and to challenge a position on the CrossFit Pleasure Point Leaderboard. In addition, Athletes will have an opportunity to challenge CrossFit Pleasure Point trainers in a workout of the trainers choice. This Friday, who’s up to challenge Greg Amundson to the infamous workout “Fran”? The evening will conclude with dinner and drinks on the beautiful outdoor patio at Suda. The CrossFit Pleasure Point Epic Fitness Van will be on stand-by for safe and sober rides home.


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