08 JULY 2020


For Time,

Run 400 meters
Strict Shoulder Press, 10 repetitions (95l. / 55lb.)
Run 800 meters (Floral)
Push Press, 20 repetitions (95lb. / 55lb.)
Run 1 mile (Big Loop)
Push Jerk, 30 repetitions (95lb. / 55lb.)

Note: The goal is consecutive rep’s on each exercise and an average 1:45 400 meter split time. Our 4PM class will be on Zoom today: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87410735494. If you are attending the 4PM CrossFit class you must register in advance here: https://calendly.com/gregoryamundson/crossfit-4pm-workout?month=2020-07

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Mat Installation Day – circa June, 2012


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