17 June 2013

MONDAY 130617

Row 1000 Meters
20 Repetition Deadlift
100 Squats

Rest 7:00 then,

Row 500 Meters
10 Repetition Deadlift
50 Squats

Note: Special thanks to Captain Jason Nee for digging up this historical CrossFit workout. Prescribed weight  is 185lb. for men and 115lb. for women. For an extra mental and physical challenge, try to come under half of your first round time on round two.

Amundson TableMtn 1

Carey and Erica – Table Mountain, South Africa


“Gods gift to you is more talent and ability than you will ever hope to use in your lifetime. Your gift to God is to develop as much of your talent and ability as possible during your lifetime.” 


Reflect on the quote above. What are some of the talents and abilities you are currently focusing on? Be prepared to discuss these special attributes in the gym this week.


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