20 JUNE 2022

MONDAY 220620

“The Ladder of Strength”

For Time,
Deadlift, 30 Repetitions
Run 400 Meters
Hang Power Clean, 30 Repetitions
Run 400 Meters
Front Squat, 30 Repetitions
Run 400 Meters
Shoulder to Overhead, 30 Repetitions
Run 400 Meters

Note: Prescribed weight for men on all lifts is 95lb. and women is 65lb. The volume is intense on this session – athletes will run 1 mile and perform 120 barbell repetitions!  Compare today’s effort from the last time we completed this challenging workout on April 25th, 2022.

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Monday’s Schedule

8AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

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