24 FEBRUARY 2020

MONDAY 200224

Evolution A:

“Tabata Diane”

8 rounds for maximum repetitions of (8:00 running clock)

20 seconds of Deadlifts (185lb. / 105lb.)
Rest 10 seconds
20 seconds of Hand Release Push-ups

Rest as needed then,

One round for time,

Evolution B:

Run 400 meters
50 Squats
30 Kettlebell Swings (53lb. / 35lb.)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Note: On the Tabata session, a great goal is to average 8 Deadlifts and 10 Push-ups each round and take note that we have significantly increased the barbell weight since the last time we did this mash-up! How many people can Rx’ Evolution B and bring it home in less than 5:00?


One Strong Crew!


Week At A Glance

  • Tuesday
    • CrossFit at 10:30AM
    • Bag Class
    • Yoga
  • Wednesday
    • Krav Maga
  • Thursday
    • CrossFit at 10:30AM
    • Krav Maga
  • Friday
    • CrossFit Strength Class
  • Saturday
    • FREE Community Workout


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