TUESDAY 200331
Join us at 4:00PM today inside our “Zoom Classroom Gym” for a group workout! We will all have a chance to “see each other” and check in on everyones wellbeing.
Evolution A (No Equipment)
On an 8:00 running clock,
Tabata Squat and Hand Release Push-up Mash-up
Rest as needed then,
Evolution B:(Low Equipment)
For Time,
21, 15, 9 repetitions of,
Dumbbell or Kettlebell Shoulder to Overhead (rep’s are each arm)
Note: Starting today we will have two different “types” of workout including what we are labeling “Not Equipment” and “Low Equipment.” If you have not already had a chance to check-out gear from HQ to help build your home-gym, please let us know! Today’s workout will be on Zoom and also Facebook Live in our CrossFi Amundson (private) Facebook Group. We encourage Zoom participation! If you need help logging in please let us know. All you need to do is plug the URL https://zoom.us/j/768867387 into your browser. This will be the same Zoom link all week.
We will stay strong!
Tuesday Special Events
- Yoga at 6:30PM https://zoom.us/j/732206903