14 FEBRUARY 2024


Happy Valentine’s Day to the CrossFit Pleasure Point Athletes.

Today we are re-testing our max strict pull-up ability.

After the last six weeks, we all put in a lot of hard work on those pull-ups.

Compare today’s effort with your effort at the beginning of the year.


Test WOD for the Month


10-1 Reps

Deadlift – 1.5 to 1 BW (M-315/185 W-225/135)

Bench Press – 1 to .5 BW (M-225/135 W-135/85)

Clean – .75 to .5 BW (M-165/95 W-95/65)

Compare today’s effort with your effort on 240105.

IMG 9118

Early Morning Farmer’s Carries for the win.

Nothing more functional then holding onto something heavy and walking!!!

Wednesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

430PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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