21 FEBRUARY 2024


Technique Work

Crossover Jump Rope

Everyone thinks these will be in this year’s Open so let’s get after them now.


Station Rotation

4 Rounds Fight Gone Bad Style

1 Minute at each station / 1 Minute Rest between rounds

Station 1 – Box Jump / Step-up

Station 2 – Alternating DB Snatch (35/20)

Station 3 – Toes-2-Bar

Station 4 – Wall Walks

Score will be the total amount of combined reps completed during the Round.

Athletes, try to maintain your score through all 4 rounds.

IMG 9235

Solid 8AM Crew after completing our February 2024 Test WOD of Linda.

Wednesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

430PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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