31 OCTOBER 2023

TUESDAY 231031


Come in your costume today!!!

Strength – Tempo Training

Today we are taking the 3RM from last week and completing Tempo Training for the next 3 weeks then re-testing our 3RM.

Tempo 3x7x3x1x1

3 Sets – 7 reps per set – 3 second descent – 1 second pause at the bottom – 1 second up

Athletes will pick a weight between 40-65% their 3RM from the previous week.  The goal is to maintain the weight for all three sets.

The time under tension for today’s tempo is 21 seconds per set x 3 sets = 63 seconds.

The following weeks the tempo set, reps, and time will change to increase the total time under tension.

IMG 0402


Tuesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

430PM – Workout of the Day

530PM – Workout of the Day

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