Sgt. Gutzwiller

06 JUNE 2024



Partner WOD

25 Minute AMRAP

Double KB Farmers Carry – 150m (Bus Stop) 35/26 CP 53/35

23 Wallball 20/16 CP 30/20

6 DB Devils Press 35/25 CP 50/35

Partner A will complete the Farmers Carry.

Partner B will complete the Wallball and Devils Press.

Partners will switch when both have completed their movements.

Score is the amount of rounds as a team they complete of the Wallball and Devils Press.

Sgt. Gutzwiller

Today’s Workout is dedicated to Damon Gutzwiller who paid the ultimate sacrifice while protecting the community he served four years ago today. Deputies Alex Spencer and Emma Ramponi were also attacked on this day and need to be recognized for their heroic efforts on that day.

The workout today is meant to be a mental battle as much as a physical battle. Deputy Spencer and Ramponi relied on each others strength on that day to keep moving as our athletes will have to during this workout.


Thursday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

430PM – Workout of the Day

530PM – Teen Class

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